Your Right To Decide About Your Body, Your Care And Your Future
The government has no business forcing anyone in a free country to go through pregnancy, labor and childbirth against their will, and force them to pay the physical, psychological, and financial price for that coercion. Extreme abortion bans around the country keep women from getting the life-saving care they need when pregnancies fail. Radicals even threaten in vitro fertilization by appointing judges and justices who issue rulings that defy science, facts, and decades of legal precedents. Maybe radicals hold those views, but most Americans and Minnesotans do not. And neither do I.
Last year, an extremely slim majority of the Minnesota House and Senate--all Democrats--protected women's fundamental rights to make their own decisions about abortion and related health care.
If voters send me to St. Paul, I will fight to protect those laws from anyone who attempts to repeal them.